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What has Penny been up to during lockdown?

Updated: Jan 19, 2021

I looked at this picture of Penny’s latest work and was so impressed with the detail! I already know Penny as a talented crafter, she makes cards, jewelry, embroiders and makes tapestries to name just some of her skills. Readers might remember that she made the most beautiful Tutankhamun tapestry during the first lockdown. Penny agreed to chat with me to tell me all about the motorbike and how she got to be so good at her crafting.
Jacquie – How and when did you knit this one Penny?
Penny – Well it’s actually crochet. I’m part of a ‘Knit and Natter’ group for the U3A and someone who knew about it rang me and asked if I could make it. I agreed, I already had most of the wool so only needed to buy a few things. It was my lockdown project and it took me three weeks and lots of hours to finish it for her. It was crocheted in lots of pieces and I sewed it all together. I’m not sure who it’s for but I’m finished it now and I’m waiting for her to collect it. I’m a bit nervous!
Jacquie – No need to be nervous Penny – it’s absolutely brilliant! How did you learn to crochet so well?

Penny – My Nan taught me when I was growing up and also to knit and sew. My Nan died last year, she was 93, her name was Irene Maystree. Before the motor bike I’d made crocheted blankets but never anything like this! I knew how to do most of it, but if I did get stuck I looked at YouTube and worked it out.

Jacquie – That’s a great tip Penny. So, what’s your next project?

Penny – Christmas decorations in my flat - it takes me a few days to do it all. I like to make my window display so people can look up and it will make them feel happy to see ‘Happy Christmas’, especially since lockdown. I haven’t seen my sister and her family since March, but we play online games where we build islands and can visit each other on our screens! I live on my own so it helps me to keep busy and especially since lockdown.

I’ve seen Penny’s windows at Christmas and they really are cheerful – I’ll look forward to seeing them when I’m out and about this year.

Well done Penny for a fantastic crochet project!

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