The blog is back with some amazing news!
Our blog has been missing for a couple of months while some hard work has been going on behind the scenes. However, rest assured that our GrowAbility group has been there, rain or shine, working at Dig-It, Saffron Walden’s fabulous community allotment. Thanks to our leaders Lisa and Steve, volunteers Julie and Marion, and our wonderful members Amanda, ,Barry, Joel, Matthew And Willow who are always so enthusiastic and willing to learn - from seed to harvest - about growing and nurturing healthy fruit and veg (with no nasty chemicals!)
And so to the news!
Our club is free at the point of use to all of our GrowAbility group - in current times so important to our membership - however there are costs for our sessions, and as our charity continues to grow we need to seek out charitable organisations and donors as well as continuing with other fundraising so we can continue to run our clubs.
I’m delighted (and very excited!) to announce that the wonderful charitable organisation - the Essex Community Foundation has provided us with a grant which will help hugely to cover most of our costs over the next 12 months. This gives us the confidence, going forwards, to welcome and encourage new members to the plot - everyone is welcome - our club is accessible to all!
Summer growing and harvesting in a wet summer
I have lots to catch up on here - since our last blog we have….
Potted on chillies and peppers, flowers & all sorts of vegetables, watered (yes we have had some sunshine!) mulched beds with bark, planted, replanted, and nurtured flowers, salad leaves, kale, beetroot, beans, celery, more lettuce (!) cucumbers, harvested strawberries, spinach, lettuce as well as helping to do some maintenance work on the site cutting back hedges.
There has been some weeding too: onions and leeks need lots of space and no competition for water and food. The plot is looking wonderful, there are other groups on other days and our members and volunteers are all contributing to this special community space.
Most wonderful is how we all learn together, help each other, and work as a team. Sometimes we need our own space, to work quietly, and that’s fine too. Lastly we get together for a picnic lunch, and a drink or cuppa, where we get to talk about anything and everything, or just listen, our friendships blooming next to the flowers.
If you are interested in a visit to GrowAbility club please contact Steve Lee or Jacquie Lucas: