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Dig-It Blog - August 2023

We’ve had two very different August days at Dig it so far - the first was cool and wet, and then on Wednesday we had the most glorious day for gardening. The gang have been busy tending to the ‘compost cake’ which we have thanks to a great session with @annasflowerfarm. Willow helped to remove our pea plants last week (and we all got to eat some yummy raw peas!) and prepare the bed for more vegetables. We’ve planted Spinach and Pak Choi and watercress and all of the salad seeds we saved are germinating. A few weeks ago you might recall Alex planted some lemongrass seeds - we now have 48 young plants in modules, patiently potted up by Alex, who then took 6 small pots to the allotment plant share table for the community there to take. We’ve already had some ‘well done Alex’ and ‘thank you Alex’ messages- with a photo of one on a windowsill. Claire and ECL staff Nick weeded so many beds this week that they filled two huge buckets! Amanda spent her time pricking out lots of young Pak Choi plants into modules - we have so many seedlings from when she planted them a few weeks ago there’ll be a lot of stir frying in a month or so! Joel worked with Lisa to build a new structure for the purple sprouting broccoli and Barry and Marion worked really hard giving some much needed TLC to the tomato plants, removing leaves to allow the sun to ripen them. Last but not least the harvest! Lots of French beans this week - a huge courgette, some runner beans, radishes, herbs, and a few tomatoes. Lots more lovely vegetables to come - everyone who wanted to took something home. We hope you like our photos!

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