Dig-It club becomes GrowAbilty - a new season and a new name for our club!
Steve, Jacquie and the Wednesday allotment group are excited to announce our brand new club name - ‘GrowAbility’.
Growability meets at 10am at Dig-It Community Allotment in Saffron Walden every Wednesday, although we do sometimes have to cancel if the weather is very bad.
GrowAbility is open to all Saffron Walden Mencap Members; we supply gardening gloves, hot and cold drinks, and there is even a toilet on site.
Since our Mencap community started using the allotment in 2021, the site has improved so much - we have raised beds and adapted tools to make sure that everyone can take part. We have a large accessible summerhouse with seating and a shady deck for warmer days. Most of us bring a packed lunch and enjoy eating together during the session.
We grow all of our vegetables from seeds, using our lovely wheelchair accessible greenhouse to help them to grow. We nurture, weed and harvest - often taking things home to cook and eat!
We have installed pathways so that wheelchair users and those with limited mobility can move around the site, and within a few months we hope to extend these to the whole site.
We really look forward to welcoming new members - carers and family members are welcome to come along too.
Please get in touch if you’d like to come and visit us for a look around the site. No experience is needed and everyone is welcome to join us!
Contact: Steve Lee 07596 023307 or Jacquie Lucas 07973 552262