Financial Information
To maintain our current services we need to raise at least £39,000 every year.
This amount is needed for us to run : -
Weekly Side by Side Club
Go With Our Flow Group
Weekly GrowAbility
We ARE Carers!
Visits to the theatre (normally 2 per year)
Canal boat trips
Discos/BBQs that are organised throughout the year
The Christmas Pantomime at Saffron Hall
Birthday Party for the Side-by-Side Club
In 2024, we have introduced a new Carers Group and planning a social outings club for over 25's. Up until now all our fundraising has been by cake stalls, street collections, plant sales at the Open Garden scheme, Late Night Christmas Shopping, Jumble Sales and the Saffron Walden Carnival (once every 3 years). We also receive donations, both big and small, from many generous local people, shops and organisations. All our fundraising events are all organised and run by many wonderful volunteers who give of their time and energy so generously.
If you would like to help, in anyway, please contact our Chair (Patrick Draper) or Secretary (Jane Bailey).
Click on the below PDF links to view our latest financial information: