About Us
We are Saffron Walden Mencap Society.
Affiliated with Royal Mencap we are a small charity in our own right raising funds and providing activities and clubs for local people.
Our Ethos
To create a safe, caring and stimulating environment for members
To create a Club environment or event that gives individuals an opportunity to form and maintain friendships
For Members to be accepted and valued as a unique individual
For Members to be taken seriously, with personal views and ideas respected
For Members to be listened to and spoken to with empathy and respect and to positively encourage this in return
For Members to be recognised as having the same rights as other people
For Members to be encouraged to take responsibility for themselves and their actions as far as possible

Our Values
Our Vision
M aking a difference to the lives of people with a learning disability.
E nding social isolation.
N urturing friendships.
C aring for and supporting members.
A chieving trust.
P roud to protect the rights of individuals.